Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Time flies
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
You means something to me
"You mean more to me then you will ever know or that I can ever say. You mean everything to me and I can honestly say I’m truly happy with you, Everyday I wake up knowing I have the most amazing one and I trust you with my heart no matter whats happens. I know people say “forever” is over rated, but you are really special to me and I want you to be my forever and always. Every night I would imagine meeting you that could complete the other half of me and now that I have met you I hope you never let go of me. No matter how many fights we get in please know that I’ll always be there for you through the bad and the good times, I know we will persevere through the distance because our love remains strong in the heart and mind. I love the way you are able to make me smile, I love how you make me laugh, I love the butterflies I get in my stomach when we have our late night phone calls, to simply put it I love everything about you because you prove me true love. To be honest I’d do anything and everything just to see you happy and I know that you have been hurt before, But I want to be the one that takes your heart and keeps it safe, the one who proves to you that I’m different, the one that shows you my love is true, to simply put it the one who keep trying to protects our relationship and loves you. I don’t ask for much, all I ask is that you please stay in my life because you are the only one who can make me feel the way I do and the honestly the only one who has my heart. ---*Even though we're now living different way, different life, But Its wouldn't tear us apart, Even though we broke up, I still missing you and loving you. dont say me stupid, i blamed myself sometimes but this is what i truly feel inside, with my love.*
What a old place
sorry that, i'm not perfect enough and prove love weak but I never regret that having you in my life even though its only a short period =)
Jy, You still the best for me, and thanks a lot, you must live happily cause I want you happy. Maybe In future life, our Love may fade, but dear you, our memories never change.
May God bless Us, In a different way different place.
if meant it, we'll find our own way to love each other.
*Read my Tumblr (the blog you never know, and the page about you and me) If I one day I disappear , You'll know everything inside there.*
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Let it be.
Let’s grow old together… beginning with today.
Let’s work slowly with each other and build a relationship that we can both enjoy being a part of.
Let’s share love and understand that neither of us is perfect.
Let’s hold each other close and whisper though the night—pledging our love, honoring our commitment.
Let’s encourage each other to pursue our dreams, even when we’re weary from trying.
Let’s expect the best that we both have to give and still love when we fall short of our expectations.
Let’s be friends and respect each other’s individual personality and give one another room to grow.
Let’s be candid with each other and point out strengths and weaknesses.
Let’s understand each other’s personal philosophy, even if we don’t agree.
Let’s lie awake long into the night sharing our innermost secrets.
Let’s be friends as well as lovers.
Let’s laugh at time and plan with each other and wonder how we ever got along without this love we’ve found.
Let’s never take for granted these moments that we’ve shared, but always be reminded of how intensely we have learned to live, how completely we have learned to love.
Let’s grow old together… and look back on life and smile.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I ♥ YOU: God knows how I care and love someone.
I’d be the craziest girlfriend ever. I know that’s wrong at some point. I just don’t believe that loving is a two way process. I always thought of it as simply GIVING and not expecting anything in return. Because that’s where pain kicks in when you expect and you didn’t get what you expect. Why…
Everything got Limit.
that you have done too much
for someone or something,
that the only next possible step to do is to stop.
Leave them alone. Walk away.
It’s not like you’re giving up,
and it’s not like you shouldn’t try.
It’s just that you have to draw the line
of determination from desperation.
What is truly yours would eventually be yours,
and what is not, no matter how hard you try,
will never be.”
Thursday, May 19, 2011
burning promises.
You told me you loved me
I told you I loved you too
You said together we'd always be
I said I would be true
You promised you would hold me
You promised you'd be there
I promised I'd cross the stormy sea
To give you my loving care
But you never kept your promise
You aren't the way you used to be
You just gave up on us
And you just gave up on me
How You appreciate it ?
I really dint mind about your past, I know everyone got past, I do really accept what has happen on your past, cause i know that If really means love we can accept all the things. But my dear, I was hope all of the lies is past, But it's not., Is you still...Your love turn into two...that's all i cant accept...I try to explain with me...i try hard to forgive about it...But i just can' tell me that's how much you want me, how much you need me and love me...i know all this...i can felt your love, you gave me everything. my dear, things goes wrong, you should wake...or we should wake...You said you din't means want together with said you just try to help her not to relaying people when things it called HELP? by using those "i love you" 'I miss you"?? even she saw us eat you also need to explain so much to her, cause you love scare she hurt and you scare she misunderstanding u and's so fucking terrible, you hurt two person who love you most at the same time...You said you care her does means wan her? But my dear, you're asking back her much you need her, how much you love her..i know all of this...i do really hurt when i know all the TRUTH! cause of this, i cried all of my holidays. two weeks. even we met up, i try to forget about it and spend my time with you and make you feel happy, i do really happy. I still very love you, but what can i do? I gave so many chance...i'm totally done my things, I believed you, but you lie. I loved you and cared you, but you dint appreciated it... i don't whether we really means forever or not, i dont wan to care much now..if we really means forever, God will take this chance again. when you know the chance is came for you, please take it and appreciated it my dear...i'm not long for you to hurt,but love with your all heart. I love you. my third insomnia days .
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
My lover.
My Love.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
亲爱的,我发现我越来越难信任你了=( 我到底怎么了?
这几个星期,我们都在吵架,我很难过也,哭了好几晚。放学后,把自己上锁在房里,反复的问自己到底怎么了。当自己冷静下来时,我才发现原来我在吃醋,在害怕。你说你会吃醋,那我呢?回想过去,却觉得很不公平。你常说我很多追求者,有很多选择,在年轻可以在寻找其他。当我听到你所说的时,心顿时好疼,刺刺的仿佛已经被刺伤似的。但亲爱的,倒着看,那么你呢?你那狂野的心,那和他人纠缠不清的关系,那和他人说的甜言蜜语,我所亲眼看到的,亲耳听到的,我可以不给一点的反应吗?我是一个很普通的女生,也会像其他吃吃醋。你的其他女生和我的其他男生的关系相比下简直是天壤之别啊!我对的起自己良心,从不向其他男生甜言蜜语,也不单独和他们出们,反而你呢,喜欢和女生甜言蜜语,也尝试过和一直对你念念不忘的女生出门。我也只能假装的,坚强下去。我真对你完全失去信任和信心了吗?我也知,你很难过,一直责怪自己从一开始就没能赢过我的信任。亲爱的,我有的! 我一直都很信任你的,但很可惜的我无法信任你那纠缠不清的关系,我的心很疼,无法那么的大方。也许我过分吃醋,但我也无法抵挡那可恶的感觉,你也许不明白,或许只有我自己明白那心疼心碎的感觉。我的眼泪为你流了好几公升,心也反复的被敲碎然后又被你那温暖的手抚摸。那几晚,我认真的问自己,是否在继续这样的路线?当那些念头出现时,我们那甜蜜的回忆也同一时间的浮现在脑海。我不想就这样结束我们的关系,只想好好的保护我们那脆弱的感情。告诉自己要坚持下去,只要坚持没有事情是不能解决的。我还是想当初的那样爱你,你也是,亲爱的,我知道的,那付出的爱是能够被看出来的,真心的爱是你一直不断的付出。我也很想和你说声“对不起”那部信任对方的心,我也很努力的在为自己寻找最佳的解决方法,也许唯一的就是给对方一点点的时间,不问不堪。我不知道这是否是真确的解决方法,但只有这样才不在那么的疼了。亲爱的,要记住我这个女孩,一直活在你的影子低下,一直找不到出路的我,一直坚持不放手的女孩。永不变的爱,我爱你。
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I hate missing you
I long to hold you close to me..i felt warmth and comfort when am lie down in your arms,
sit down and talk. My heart melt when your touch my face,
my passion flows when your lips on my lips~
I love you,
I love your sweetness,
I love your Kindness,
I love your thoughtfulness,
I love your tenderness.
I love snuggle and cuddle with you,
I love and you make me feel loved and appreciated.
My heart are just overflowing,
I want nothing more than to be close to you.
I Long for you~ and never let go~
Love you,